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Funding Secured for Tiverton Work Hub image

Funding Secured for Tiverton Work Hub

The Market Centre building in Tiverton is set to be transformed into a vibrant co-working space. Previously a youth centre and community space, the building provides the ideal location and set-up for a work hub.

Mid Devon District Council has secured Shared Prosperity Funding to create a new flexible workspace in Tiverton town centre.

The Market Centre building in Tiverton is set to be transformed into a vibrant co-working space. Previously a youth centre and community space, the building provides the ideal location and set-up for a work hub.

Between October 2023 and February 2024, consultants Work Box CIC on behalf of the Council, undertook a feasibility study including a survey to explore the opportunity for flexible workspace in Tiverton. The study identified strong demand for a work hub in the area, particularly from self-employed homeworkers and homeworking employees.

Through Mid Devon’s Shared Prosperity Fund Delivery Plan, funding has been secured to enhance the building, with the aim of providing high quality design and professional space to work from.

Commenting on the Council’s aspirations, Richard Marsh, Director of Place & Economy, stated that:

“It is a long-held corporate ambition for the Council to develop and grow flexible workspace in the district and it is our continued desire to support business growth. Coworking spaces such as this provide the ideal platform for isolated workers to come together to network, share ideas, operate from a professional space for meeting clients and access tools they otherwise couldn’t from home. This in turn boosts local entrepreneurship, collaboration and innovation. The new work hub will provide the opportunity to support businesses and also enhance the footfall and vibrancy of the town centre. The Council acknowledges the change of this space from community use and intends to convene a conversation with local groups to understand their need.”

The work hub project complements other flexible workspace projects being supported across the district. Petroc College secured investment through Mid Devon’s Shared Prosperity Funding to develop an innovation centre and incubator offer enabling businesses to access high-tech equipment and skills to further their growth. Other businesses in Crediton, Cullompton and Willand have also received funding through Mid Devon’s Prosperity Programme to support development and expansion of flexible workspace provision.

It is expected that the new Tiverton work hub will be operational in spring 2025. Businesses interested in using the space when it opens can email for more information as the project progresses.